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Header for Website.png    January 14 -15, 2020     l     New Orleans Marriott     l     555 Canal Street

Headshot Option 5.jpgMEET PAUL TAYLOR 

Author of the Next America
Former Vice President of Pew Research 

Paul is the author of The Next America: Boomers, Millennials and the Looming Generational Showdown. The book draws on his work at the Pew Research Center, a non-partisan fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. He served as the center's executive vice president from 2003 to 2014 and oversaw all of its demographic, social and generational research.

He has given presentations on generational change to universities (including Yale, Stanford, NYU, Rutgers, Texas A&M, Marquette), think tanks, civic and professional organizations, elected officials, government executives, media organizations, labor unions, chambers of commerce and businesses (including Macy's, Volkswagen, Allstate, UBS, General Electric, Mass Mutual, New York Life, Verizon, Aetna and J. Walter Thompson). He appears frequently on television and radio public affairs programs and has written for many of the nation's leading print publications.

Prior to his work at Pew, he served as president and board chairman of the Alliance for Better Campaigns, a public interest group that sought to reduce the cost and improve the content of political campaign communication on television. Its honorary co-chairs were Walter Cronkite and former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

Prior to launching the Alliance, he was a newspaper reporter for 25 years, the last 14 at The Washington Post, where he covered three U.S. presidential campaigns and served as bureau chief in South Africa during the historic transformation from apartheid to democracy. Earlier he worked at the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Twin City (NC) Sentinel. He is also the author of See How They Run (Knopf, 1990), and co-author of The Old News Versus the New News (Twentieth Century Fund, 1992).

Paul has a BA from Yale University and twice served as the visiting Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University. He and his wife live in Bethesda, Maryland. They have three grown children and three grandchildren.

Lunch Keynote
The Next America: The Business Case for Diversity and Inclusion 

Paul Taylor, Former Executive Vice President for Pew Research and Author of Bestseller Next America: Boomers, Millennials will discuss how consumer-facing brands have become social justice warriors in the past few years. Attendees will be shown a series of recent ad campaigns from fortune 500 companies that will challenge your thinking and expand your horizons. We will also breakdown and analyze current demographic data and attitudinal surveys to see how the country is changing and why and how we as agents and brands should want to identify our own brands with the current & upcoming changes.


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